From March 2024 - ETDC Status

We are very happy to announce that from March 2024 we are working with the England programme with our Thursday advanced class being included as a recognised high quality training session which all national team members, regardless of club or area, can attend in addition to their club programmes. Class times: 7.15-8.30pm

We were ready to greet from afar!
It was an incredibly tough decision, but following government and British Judo guidance, we closed our doors from 23rd March 2020, for the first time in 17 years. We re-opened in 2021 having learned a lot from our enforced changes in operations. It has been full-steam-ahead ever since.
Jita kyoei

Hello everyone
After 21 amazing, crazy years in our home, Ealing Judo Club is slowly edging towards creating a new, permanent dojo space. The BJA development officers are supportive and we are making progress with trying to establish a dedicated space. Of course, this doesn't come cheap in West London, so here we are on our very own mission impossible: Dojo-Quest! Please take a look at our page, including our 2016 club short film and SHARE IT with any friends, contacts, colleagues who may like to support us.
Many thanks to Nettle Media and friends for putting this together. You can cut and paste this URL into your browser
We send massive congratulations to Nekoda Davis for her career to date: 2014 - Commonwealth Champion 2016 - Olympic Games in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. In 2017 World Championship bronze , Budapest, Hungary. 2018 World Championship silver, Baku, Azerbaijan. Nekoda is now one of only 15 British judoka ever to have won 2 or more world championship medals.
2013 Clubmark accredited.
Congratulations to our 2024 GBR national team members: Nekoda Davis, Luke Davies, Maddy Birri, Peter Davies, Hannah Niven, Emily Niven, Corey O'Neal-Narcis & Ammi Takahashi
Congratulations also to our 2024 England Squad members: Robyn Davies, Deborah O'Neal, Talhah Syed & Nikita Gilchenko.
In December 2019 Maddy Birri and Luke Davies achieved something incredible, winning both the Cadet and Junior (-21) British titles, aged just 14. This is extraordinary and we wish them all the best for the next stage of their judo careers.
Congratulations to John Hough who won a Commonwealth Grand masters bronze medal in Cardiff in January 2012. Also to Nekoda Davis, who won a bronze medal at the Junior (u21) European Championships in September 2013, on exactly the same day as Ammi Takahashi became our youngest ever British Champion, at the tender age of just 9
Facebook Page: Ealing Judo Club. Instagram: EalingJudo
Our Head Coach, Jo Crowley has completed the University of Bath's Foundation Degree in Sports Performance for Judo and also the the BJA's 2008 Fast Track Coaching Programme. Jo has a Masters in Advanced Sports Coaching Practice and the BJA Level 5 coaching certificate through Sheffield Hallam University, having passed the level 4 and the PGdip in 2016. Ealing Judo Club was named as a High Quality Skills Centre for 2008, 2010 and 2011. From 2012 the club recognition system was no longer used by the BJA.
West Acton Community Centre
Churchill Gardens
West Acton
W3 0JN
We are located 2 minutes walk from West Acton Underground Station, which is on the Central Line. Exit station and cross the road. Turn left and at mini-roundabout turn right. Churchill Gardens is 50 metres down on the left hand side.
Lesson Times
6 - 7pm
Junior Red to Green Belts aged 8 - 17
7:10 - 8:10pm
Open Ne-waza (Age 8+ all abilities)
Advanced Junior & Senior Conditioning (Green belt & above)
TUESDAY (at North Acton Pavilion, Eastfields Rd, W3)
5-6pm Junior Beginners (white and red belts) aged 5 - 12
6:10-7:10pm Adult beginners to green belts (from age 13+)
7:15-8:15pm Blue belt and above technical
7:15 - 8:15pm
Technique for Juniors (yellow belt and above)
8:15 - 9:30pm All seniors, any grade, including beginners
5:00 - 6:00pm
Junior Beginners (white and red belts) aged 5 - 13
6:10 - 7:10pm
Junior Yellow - Blue belt randori
7:15 - 8:30pm
Green Belt & above ETDC Advanced drills and randori
Monthly fees for all. Please ask for details. Visitor fee = £10
Below: our 2011 beginners.

Contact Details
Jo Crowley - 4th Dan, European Judo Union Level 4 Coach, UKCC Level 4 Coach, BJA Level 5 coach, London Area Girl's & Women's Team Coach, Senior Examiner, nominated Pro-Activ London coach of 2008 & 2011. BJA Community coach of the year 2018. Tel: 07702 322 464 Email: EalingJudoClub@hotmail.com
Please click here to email us directly.
Ealing Judo Club Movers & Shakers
Head Coach: Jo Crowley (IJF Master Coach, EJU Level 4, BJA Level 5, FDSc Sports Performance, PGCE, 4th Dan, Masters in Advanced Sports Coaching) Club Coach: João Pela (UKCC Level 1, 3rd Dan) Club Coach: Luke Davies (UKCC Level 2, 2nd Dan) Assistant Coach: Cedric Aubert (UKCC Level 2, 1st Dan) Assistant Coach: Lee Shinkin (UKCC Level 2, 3rd Dan) Assistant Coach: Charlotte Potter (UKCC Level 3, 4th Dan) Assistant Coach: Nekoda Davis (UKCC Level 2, 4th Dan) Assistant Coach: Vladimir Oleinic (UKCC Level 2, 4th Dan, IJF UCJI diploma) Assistant Coach: Antonio Greco (UKCC Level 2, 2nd Dan) Assistant Coach: Peter Davies (UKCC Level 1, 2nd Dan) Assistant Coach: Corey O'Neal-Narcis (UKCC Level 1, 2nd Dan) Assistant Coach: Jess Gordon-Brown (UKCC Level 1, 2nd Dan) Assistant Coach: Ryan Burt (UKCC Level 1, 3rd Dan) Assistant Coach: Jason Tran (UKCC Level 1, 1st Kyu)
Club Welfare Officer: Mimi Salgado (BJA & NSPCC trained) Facilities Committee: Sally O'Brien, Louise Birri, Mimi Salgado, Jo Crowley, Asim Saleem, Will Hurst, Charles Johnston, Luke Davies.
