EJC's New Junior Referees - June 2012
Congratulations to Daniel Vary, who passed his Junior silver refereeing award at the Samurai JC (Kidderminster) young referee course on 30th June 2012. Well done also to Ali Abdelaal and Erik Gee, who each passed their bronze awards.
Our Refereeing History
Having run junior referee courses at EJC for a few years the system has now changed and is more centrally run. Our last course was held on Thursday 30th October 2008 and was a great day thanks to the experts from Sussex: Lisa, Martin and Peter.
On Easter Sunday, 16th April 2006, Ealing Judo Club hosted a Junior Referees' Course, the first junior referees' event ever in the London Area. The day consisted of the course and exam for Level 1 junior referees.
We had junior judoka participate from three different London Area clubs and all who took part passed their theory and practical exams and are now qualified Level 1 Junior Referees.
This is great for the London Area! All of our newly qualified Juniors are eligible to officiate at Junior competitions for those graded 9th Mon or below and gradings for Juniors currently 12th Mon and below.
A follow-up course was run on Thursday 16th August 2007. This was for Level 1's to enhance their qualification to Level 2 status and also for those who wanted to have a go at earning their Level 1 qualification.
We would like to extend a big thank you to the senior referees from Sussex who helped to deliver this event.
Level 1: Age 10-15 years, grade 7th Mon or above.
Level 2: Age 12-15 years, grade 10th Mon or above. Must already hold a level 1 qualification.
(All must hold a current BJA licence)

Course leaders and participants at the August '07 course.