21st November 2021 - Two Line-Ups Completed
On Sunday 21st November 2021 Maddy Birri and Valentine Bachelez travelled to Kidderminster to participate in the National Women's Dan Grading. Both completed line-ups. Maddy's grade was ratified immediately as her theory was already completed and she satisfied the 'time in grade' criteria. Valentine will be eligible in May 2022, once her 6 months at 1st Kyu is complete.

13th September 2020 - Our First Post-Lockdown Black Belt
2020! What can we say? I give this year one star, 'would not recommend!' However, having come back to competition at the beginning of March, following substantial time out with injury, Sofija was able to grab her final points, just 3 weeks before lockdown. Sticking with the theme of doing it all just in the nick of time, she completed her theory exam on 13th September, just a week before leaving to go to university and we managed a masked belt presentation a day before her departure. Congratulations Sofija!

12th June 2016 - 2 new black belts for EJC
We have had an excellent day at the Eastern Area Fours Tournament and at the grading that followed. Erik won ten points at the tournament, leaving him needing 13 for his Dan grade. He won his first two contests at the grading to secure the coveted grade. Lovepreet also took ten points in the competition, but then smashed a line-up to win his black belt on the day. The photo shows them with their medals and their proud team-mates, Scott and Ryan.

16th June 2013 - Three New Dan Grades!
We had an excellent day all round at the East Anglian 4s tournament and subsequent grading in Thetford today. Jenny and Sammie each completed their points for their 1st Dan and as both had completed their theory some months before it is immediately ratified. Dan Vary, at only 16 years old, bowled over 5 men on the day to complete his line-up. He will have to wait to wear the new grade though, as he hasn't yet held his 1st Kyu for the obligatory 6 months. Below: Team-mate John celebrates with his friends.

Phoebe Rounds Up a Decade of Judo With Her Black Belt
An exciting time was had by all at the Samurai Kyu Grade Open on 14th April 2013, waiting to see if 17 year old Phoebe Harris would be able to complete her points for her first Dan. Needing 36, she gained 10 points along the way to winning gold in her weight category, but then won another 10 in the weight above. She then took the decision to fight in an open section and there won her final 17 points, and with her theory passed some time ago, completed all requirements for her 1st Dan. Phoebe is one of a handful of young athletes to have been at Ealing Judo Club in its very first year. We are all very proud of her achievement.

Luke Achieves a Different Success at the British Championships
17 year old Luke Balfre collected his final points at the British Championships on 14th October 2012. He put in a great performance at the event but didn't quite make it to the rostrum. However, a reward came in the change of his belt colour from brown to black. He completed his theory at the 61 Club Dan grade theory course the following weekend and is now a fully ratified first Dan, EJC's 19th. Congratulations from all of your club-mates.

Martin's Joyful July
Below is Martin with his new black belt, having accumulated the last of his points at the High Wycombe grading on 7th July 2012.

Eliot hits his 2012 goal!
On 8th July 2012 young Eliot Bradford travelled to the Samurai Kyu Grade Tournament in Kidderminster in the hope of a medal and his last Dan grade points. Eliot was in fine form and won both, a gold and his 1st Dan. With his theory completed some time ago his grade was ratified immediately. All at EJC congratulate Eliot for his outstanding achievements.

April and Joe is in the black!
On 7th April Joe Thorpe went along to the National Promotion Examination at High Wycombe Judo Centre, in an effort to complete the points needed to earn his contest first Dan. Joe did this with ease after winning his 1st two contests and then the 1st two in his line up aswell. This gave him 40 points, more than enough to gain his 1st Dan. Congratulations Joe from all at the club.

Marching into March
March 2012 sees EJC claim two more 1st Dans, as Ndu's grade is completed at the 61 club Dan grade theory course (The contest element was completed last year). Julia smashed her way to 1st Dan too, by claiming a bucket load of points at the Southern Area Senior Open. Her theory had been long completed and so this was a fantastic day for Julia. EJC salutes both of these new Dan grades.

Double Dan Grades for EJC... Again
Congratulations to Daniel Woodhouse and Ndu Wodu. They stormed through a grading at the High Wycombe promotion event on 8th October 2011, with Daniel completing his points and Ndu blasting through his line-up, at his first attempt.

17.9.11 - Triple, or was it Quadruple Victory for EJC!?!!
Today was an outstanding day for Ealing Judo Club. At the National grading at High Wycombe Judo Centre 1st Dans were earned for young Harkirat and Conor as both steamed through their opposition. Lukasz was also on great form to beat his line up, although he will have to wait for his obligatory 6 months as a 1st Kyu to expire before the grade can be ratified. With John completing his 2nd Dan at the event too, EJC had one of its most rewarding days ever. Massive congratulations to all - you were the class acts of the event!

Akhil Bist, 15, Achieves 1st Dan
Akhil was the smallest and youngest competitor at the Samurai High Grades Open on 19th June 2011 and so the target of 23 points was to be a tough goal. However, the 15 year old multiple national medalist dug deep and dispatched 5 opponents by ippon to gain 50 points on that day. This gave him more than enough for his Dan grade. Akhil is a worthy black belt and we all offer sincere salutes for this great achievement.

Lucy is EJC's #8
Lucy has made a storming return to competitive judo, following a long period of recovery from an injury. Having been out for 16 months she fought a small tester competition in the Midlands at the beginning of March and was surprised to collect some Dan grade points there. Not one to rest on her laurels she entered the Southern Area Senior ranking event on 20th March, where she not only won the event but also completed her points. With the theory already in the bag Lucy was soon ratified as EJC's 8th Dan grade. Congratulations Lucy!

Double Dan grades for EJC
The 17th of October 2010 was an excellent day for two old friends and for EJC. Rifqa and Rohan, two of our national medallists and oldest members, went to the Hampshire grading together, along with a few other club-mates. Rohan only needed 13 points and appeared to pick those up rather easily, although the joy was clear for all to see when he won the final ten. Rifqa's day was a bit different, however, coming into the event needing 43 points. She worked extremely hard and due to various circumstances had the opportunity to participate in 7 contests. She won a massive 57 points and with her theory already complete she too picked up her grade today. It was a very proud moment for me as I was there to see it - one would have been great, but two together was fantastic. Both players deserve this accolade and everyone at EJC congratulates them.
It should also be noted that Rifqa is now our first female Dan grade aswell as our first ever National Champion.

21st November 2009 - Misha finally gets his points!
Having been so unlucky at his last grading, finishing his day stuck at 97 points, Misha was pretty focussed on getting those last 3 points. so today he travelled to Kingsley Hall in Essex and in his first contest took ten points and his Dan grade. This makes Misha EJC's 5th Dan grade and we are very pleased for him. Well done Misha.

18th October 2008 - John makes it 4 for EJC
On Saturday 18th October 2008 John Hough, from EJC's excellent adult session, achieved the grade of 1st Dan. He only needed 20 points at the start of the day and actually earned himself 30. With the theory done quite some time before the grade was ratified in only a few days. Well done John.

25th May 2008 - Lyam is EJC Dan grade # 3
On Sunday 25th May 2008 Lyam Quin went to the Budokwai to earn his final ten points for his black belt. Having had a couple of previous occasions at gradings, missing out on the covetted grade by only the last fight in a line up, Lyam was pretty fired up to get it on this attempt. And so he did! He completed his theory on the same day too and so the job was done. Very well done Lyam.

8th July 2007 - 14 Year Old Taku Beats Line Up
Our very own home grown Taku Kawamoto went along to the Bucks County Grading on 8th July 2007 to try to get his senior brown belt, having converted to a senior licence earlier in the year. He threw two opponents for ippon to be graded to first Kyu, and was very happy. But he was then invited to fight for Dan grade points with the other 1st Kyus, so he did.
Taku drew his first contest in this section but he knew he had two more chances to earn a line up. One came and was dispatched for ippon, and then another. The line up was next. He faced three men, all bigger than himself, as there were no lighter players left to fight. He threw the first for ippon in 4 seconds, the second in 14 seconds and the third in 20 seconds!
All in all it took Taku less than a minute to secure his black belt! He then zipped through his theory, scoring well over 90%. However, he is too young to wear the grade as he is still 14. He turns 15 in September but will have to wait until January - as he has to be a 1st Kyu for 6 months...
It is an outstanding achievement for an outstanding fighter. Congratulations Taku.

14th May 2005 - Phil Becomes EJC's First Dan Grade
On the 14th May 2005 Phil Barnes went along to the Veterans Grading at Willesden in the hope of picking up his last 8 points. With a rib injury and only a little training beforehand his chances were slim.
He had 3 fights but unfortunately was not able to gain any points from them, leaving him disappointed and tired. But out of the gloom came a reprieve. There were still a few line-ups to be had... this could be his chance.
Phil was called up as the first man in the 2nd line-up of the day. Nervously he stepped forward. He footswept his opponent beautifully for ippon, giving him the ten points needed. Success!
With the theory already completed and the points tally totalled, Phil was over the moon. He had at last won his Dan grade - a huge achievement.
Big congratulations to Phil from everyone at the club. This was a long-awaited goal; Phil had been out of judo since college and had only been back in training for two years. So with twenty years out of the sport to contend with, finally getting his points was very sweet!

EJC's Dan Grade Register
1. Phil Barnes, 1st Dan achieved on 14.5.05 at the National Veterans' Grading at Willesden.
2. Taku Kawamoto, 1st Dan achieved on 8.7.07 at the National Promotion Examination at High Wycombe.
3. Lyam Quin, 1st Dan achieved on 25.5.08 at the Budokwai National Promotion Examination.
Lyam achieved his 2nd Dan on 27.6.10 at the Kent International Tournament at Crystal Palace. He earned his final 10 points at the event and had already completed his theory.
Lyam achieved his 3rd Dan after collecting his final 20 points at the South Coast Grade Banded on 26.2.12.
4. John Hough, 1st Dan achieved on 18.10.08 at High Wycombe.
John completed his points for his 2nd Dan at the National grading at High Wycombe on 17.9.11. With his theory already completed the grade was ratified immediately.
John achieved his 3rd Dan at the British Masters Championships on 22.9.13.
5. Misha Kljutic, 1st Dan achieved on 21.11.09 at Kingsley Hall.
6. Nekoda Davis, 2nd Dan achieved on 26.9.10, by an accumulation of points.
Nekoda earned her 3rd Dan at the British Senior Championships on 15.12.13, by gaining her final points during the competition.
Nekoda was awarded her 4th Dan by the British Judo Board of Directors, following her bronze medal winning performance at the Budapest World Championships in August 2017 (10.11.17).
7. Rohan Bist, 1st Dan achieved on 17.10.10 at the Hampshire grading.
8. Rifqa Samad, 1st Dan achieved on 17.10.10 at the Hampshire grading.
9. Lucy Chamberlain, 1st Dan achieved on 20.3.11 at the Southern Area Senior Open.
10. Akhil Bist, 1st Dan achieved on 19.6.11 at the Samurai High Grades Open, Kidderminster.
11. Harkirat Sekhon, 1st Dan achieved on 17.9.11 at the National grading at High Wycombe.
12. Conor Corrigan, 1st Dan achieved on 17.9.11 at the National grading at High Wycombe.
13. Daniel Woodhouse, 1st Dan achieved on 8.10.11 at the High Wycombe Promotion Examination.
Daniel completed his points for 2nd Dan at the Samurai High Grades Open Tournament in Kidderminster on 11.11.12, ratified immediately as his theory was passed prior to the event.
14. Lukasz Czyzewski, 1st Dan achieved on 17.9.11 at the National grading at High Wycombe and then ratified on 26.11.11
15. Julia Scardone, 1st Dan achieved on 18.3.12 at the Southern Area Senior Open in Crawley.
Julia earned her 2nd Dan by collecting her final ppoints at the West of England Senior Open on 3.8.14.
16. Ndu Wodu, 1st Dan achieved on 25.3.12 at the 61 Club Dan Grade Theory course.
17. Joe Thorpe, 1st Dan achieved on 7.4.12 at the National grading at High Wycombe.
18. Eliot Bradford, 1st Dan achieved on 8.7.12 at the Samurai Kyu Grade Tournament in Kidderminster.
19. Martin Murray, 1st Dan achieved on 14.7.12 at the National grading at High Wycombe.
20. Luke Balfre, 1st Dan achieved on 21.10.12 at the 61 Club Theory course, having collected his last points at the British Championships in the same week.
Luke completed his points for his 2nd Dan very quickly but had to wait the obligatory 12 months before having his grade ratified. His 2nd Dan came on 21.10.13
21. Van van der Moir, 2nd Dan achieved on 10.2.13 at the NHC Senior & Masters Open at High Wycombe.
22. Phoebe Harris, 1st Dan achieved on 14.4.13 at the Samurai Kyu Grade Open.
23. Jenny Costen, 1st Dan achieved on 16.6.13 at the East Anglian 4s in Thetford.
24. Sammie Grant, 1st Dan achieved on 16.6.13 at the East Anglian 4s in Thetford.
Sammie completed her 2nd Dan theory straight after gaining her 1st Dan. She won the final points required at the Kent International on 28.6.15, to obtain the grade of 2nd Dan.
25. Daniel Vary, 1st Dan achieved on 16.6.13 at the East Anglian 4s in Thetford.
26. Charlotte Potter, 3rd Dan achieved during her theory examination at EJC on 16.10.14, having accumulated the points in competition already. Charlotte earned her 1st Dan & 2nd Dan while training at Whitburn Judo Club.
27. Giovanny Antalika, 1st Dan achieved on 18.10.14 at the British Masters Championships in Kidderminster.
Giovanny earned his 2nd Dan
28. Scott Turner, 2nd Dan achieved by accumulation of points, with the final ten gained at the Southend International tournament on 25.10. 14 and the theory completed on 1.11.14.
29. Moli Ramos, 1st Dan achieved at the High Wycombe grading on 1.11.14.
30. Jess Gordon-Brown, 1st Dan achieved by accumulation of points, with the final 20 gained at the national grading at High Wycombe on 7.2.15.
Jess earned her final points for her 2nd Dan at the National Team Championships, as part of a bronze-medal-winning senior women's London team. With her theory already complete the grade was ratified immediately, 1st July 2017.
31. Showgo Kimura, 1st Dan achieved by line-up at the national grading at High Wycombe on 7.2.15. Showgo completed his theory on the day but had to wait until March for the grade to be ratified.
Showgo earned his final points for 2nd Dan at the Welsh Senior Open on 30.10.17, but the theory was completed on 7.12.16 and so the grade was ratified on this day.
32. Cameron Harvey, 1st Dan achieved by line-up at the national grading at Hugh Wycombe on 7.2.15. Cameron completed his theory on the day but had to wait until May for the grade to be ratified.
33. Ryan Burt, 1st Dan achieved by accumulation of points, with the final ten being earned at the NHC Open on 7.6.15. The theory was passed some weeks before, allowing the grade to stand immediately.
Ryan earned his 2nd Dan by achieving his final points at the Welsh Open on 30.10.17.
Ryan's 3rd Dan was ratified after achieving his final points at the NHC grading on 2.11.19.
34. Erik Gee, 1st Dan achieved by accumulation of points, with the final 13 being earned at the Eastern Area grading on 12.6.16.
35. Lovepreet Singh, 1st Dan achieved by line-up at the Eastern Area grading in Thetford on 12.6.16. With the theory already completed, the grade stood immediately.
36. Natasha Glassford, 3rd Dan earned via transfer from her South African grade. 13.6.16.
Natasha earned her 4th dan by an accumulation of points including those won at the world veteran championships, ratified on 16.7.24.
37. Mantas Grinaveckis, 1st Dan achieved by accumulation of points, with the final points being earned at the High Wycombe Kyu Grade Cup in October 2016. The grade was ratified on 7.12.16 with the theory pass.
38. Vladimir Oleinic, 3rd Dan achieved with the final points being won at the Western Area ranking event on 23.7.17. The theory was passed prior to this.
Vlad collected his points for 4th dan at various UK competitons and had the grade of 4th dan raitified on 6.3.23 when he passed his theory exam.
39. Antonio Greco, 2nd Dan ratified via IJF grade transfer from the Malta Judo Federation, on 24.7.17.
Antonio passed the technical exam for the grade of 3rd dan on 10th October 2023.
40. Yacine Sifi, 1st Dan achieved by accumulation of points, at the High Wycombe grading on 4th November 2017.
41. Blake Inniss, 1st Dan achieved by line-up at the Eastern Area promotion exam in Thetford on 28.1.18. As the theory was completed beforehand the grade was ratified immediately.
42. Connor Gossedge, 1st Dan achieved by accumulation of points, completing the task at the Kent International on 24th June 2018.
Connor earned his 2nd dan by accumulation of points, ratified on 30th April 2022.
43. Tohgo Kimura, 1st Dan achieved by completing a line-up and theory examination at the Budokwai National grading on 28th October 2018, World Judo Day.
44. Silviu Nastasa, 1st Dan achieved
45. Ben Westcott, 2nd Dan achieved by accumulation of points, taking the final ten at the Scottish Senior Open on 19th January 2019.
Ben earned his 3rd dan by promotion exam at the High Wycombe grading on 2.4.22.
46. Adam Burt achieved the grade of 1st Dan via an accumulation of points, on 17.3.19.
47. Mircea Taran was awarded his 1st Dan via international grade transfer from Moldova, on 23.3.19.
48. Cedric Aubert earned his final points on 8.12.19, with theory already completed.
49. Darius Balta was awarded his 1st Dan via international grade transfer from Lithuania, on 21.1.20.
Darius won his 2nd dan by line-up at the National Dan Grading in High Wycombe on 5th February 2022.
50. Luke Davies won his final points for the grade of 1st dan on 22.9.19, but had to wait until he turned 15, so the grade was ratified on 21.1.20.
Luke won his 2nd dan by line-up at the National Dan Grading in High Wycombe on 5th February 2022.
51. Ammi Takahashi won her dan grade in Japan and converted it by international transfer on 6th March 2020.
52. Sofija Bojat won the majority of her points at the Sussex Senior Split Grade Open on 1.3.20 and then completed her theory exam after lockdown, on 13.9.20.
53. Maddy Birri won her 1st dan at the national women's dan grading in Kidderminster on 21st November 2021.
54. Abdel Naouri won his final points at the London Area grading at the Budokwai on 28.11.21. Theory was completed on 30.11.21.
55. Mounir Baaziz won his final points for his black belt at the C2 International in October 2021 and the grade was ratified on 29th January 2022 once the theory was completed.
56. Hannah Niven won her final points for the grade of second dan at the National Dan Grading in High Wycombe on 5th Febrauary 2022.
57. Junior Lawrence earned his first dan, by examination, at the National Dan Grading at High Wycombe Judo Centre on 5th February 2022.
58. Peter Davies completed a line-up at the High Wycombe National Dan Grading on 5th February 2022, with the grade of 1st dan ratified immediately as the theory was already passed.
Peter completed his points for second dan on 24th September 2023 at the NHC Open and with the theory exam already passed his grade was tidied immediately.
59. Dinu Bucalet completed a line-up at the High Wycombe National Dan Grading on 5th February and passed his theory exam the next day to be awarded the grade of 1st dan on 6.2.22.
60. Valentine Bachelez passed her first Kyu on 18th November 2021 but then won her line-up at the National Women's Dan Grading in Kidderminster 3 days later, finally having her first dan ratified on 21st May 2022 after completing the statutory 6 months as a brown belt.
61. Alona Shchyholeva won her dan grade in Ukraine in 2019. It was transferred to the British Judo Association on 4th October 2022.
62. Elod Fodor won his line-up at the Budokwai on 28th May 2023 and with thentheory element completed in advanced, his grade was ratified from that date.
63. Pierre Hobeika completed an international grade transfer, from his judo origins in Lebanon, on 18th August 2023 - 2nd dan.
64. Maya Aubert Gomez earned her final points on 25th September 2023 at the NHC Open and her grade was ratified on 10th October 2023 with the completion of her theory test.
65. Joao Pela earned his third dan, collecting his final points at the NHC Open on 25th September 2023 and passing the theory exam on 10th October 2023.
66. Billy Simpson won his first dan by succeeding against a line-up at the Budokwai on Sunday 28th January 2024. Theory was passed on 30.1.24.
67. Ellis Davies won his first dan by succeeding against a line-up at the Budokwai on Sunday 28th January 2024. Theory was passed on 30.1.24.
68. Corey O'Neal Narcis won his second dan by an accumulation of points, ratified after passing the theory exam on 19.5.24.
69. Abebakr Abdelhalim transferred his 2nd from Egpyt, ratified on 28.11.24.