MATCH REPORTS Jan - Jun 2009
18th January - Antwerp Open, Belgium
John & Lyam from our Senior class travelled over to Belgium to get their first taste of international judo. They had a great weekend, despite not placing and are now looking forward to their next competition abroad.
25th January - Bristol Classic
GOLD Lucy Chamberlain
SILVER Phoebe Harris
SILVER Eliot Bradford
29th January - Ealing Judo Club New Year Knock Out
GOLD Valentin Carrier
GOLD Paul Duarte
GOLD Maxime Cacaly
GOLD Jordan George
GOLD Patrick Bambi
GOLD Luka Kljutic
SILVER Alice Duarte
SILVER Mathilde Cacaly
SILVER Luke Davies
SILVER Edward Fullbrook
SILVER Matthieu Duarte
SILVER Ibrahim Abdelaal
SILVER Amir Asgari
SILVER Matthew Butcher
SILVER Christopher Corrigan
SILVER Pierre Maillefaud
SILVER Brad Brown
SILVER Jonathan Sookias
SILVER Elliot Hawkins-Ahmed
BRONZE Clemence Cacaly
BRONZE Niamh Corrigan
BRONZE Marius Maillefaud
BRONZE Kiran de Silva
BRONZE Anthony Chatfield
BRONZE Sam Butcher
BRONZE James Sookias
BRONZE Stefan Weil
BRONZE James Bartle
BRONZE Hani'el Busette
1st February - Midland Age Banded, Wolverhampton
Just Lucy, the lone ranger, fought this weekend. She made an excellent start, winning her first two contests to get into the semi. There the plan went to pot and having lost the semi went on to lose the bronze medal match. It was a good learning tournament for Lucy and I look forward to taking her along to her next event even more prepared.
7th February - Harlow Under 8s, Red & Yellow Belt Championsips and Fun Day
GOLD Matthieu Duarte
SILVER Niamh Corrigan
BRONZE Luke Davies
BRONZE Alice Duarte
SILVER Paul Duarte
BRONZE Amir Asgari
SILVER Laurence Legon
BRONZE Alexander Legon
BRONZE Daniel Vary
21st & 22nd February - North-West Age Banded Championships, St Helens
Harkirat fought in an uncharacteristically cautious way this weekend and as a consequence was unable to medal. Phoebe fell foul of brief losses in concentration, despite fighting very well and didn't make it out of her pool. Lucy, too, had a tough time. It wasn't really our weekend! However, Akhil managed to lift the spirits of the team taking a gold at 55s. Well done Akhil - he saved the day.
1st March - Florennes International, Belgium
Cadet & Pre-Cadet
GOLD Harkirat Sekhon
GOLD Lucy Chamberlain
SILVER Phoebe Harris
SILVER Hanna Toogood
GOLD Lucy Chamberlain
GOLD Sevani Vartanessian
GOLD Toby Conroy
SILVER Jason Tran
BRONZE Martin Murray

14th March - British Cadet Trials, Sheffield
Having performed well at the Natioanls, the Midland Age Banded and the North-West Age Banded events Lucy was invited to the Cadet Trials in Kendal. She fought well but didn't make it into the final two to go on to fight it out for places at the Europeans and Youth Olympics. However, Lucy is only a baby in the age band, being born in December 1994. This puts her in an excellent position for next year.
15th March - Ipswich Senior Open
Lyam won a good bronze in the Men's high grade 73s. Sevani had 5 tough fights in the 2nd Kyu & below section, winning 4 of them by ippon to take silver. Martin had it a bit tough in the 81s. The 3 then clubbed together and fought in the team event and each won a bronze for their trouble. Well done lads.

25th April - Alicante International, Spain
This was such a great trip. I didn't know if we could pull it off but we did: flying out to Alicante at 5am and arriving at the competition just in time to start. Then the amazingly accommodating organisers transported us to the beach for 6 hours of Spanish food and beach fun. We went swimming in the sea and indulged in paella. Then back on a plane home, landing at 11.10pm. It was a great trip and the team had a fantastic time.
GOLD Akhil Bist
SILVER Phoebe Harris

26th April - Thomas Deacon u20 Championships, Peterborough

GOLD Ali Abdelaal
GOLD Lucy Chamberlain
GOLD Lucy Chamberlain
2nd May - British Senior Open Championships, Crawley
This is the first time an EJC member has fought a Senior 'B' tournament and Lyam put in a credible performance. He is now looking forward to being able to gain better results at future high level events.
10th May - North of England Mini-Mon & Senior Championships, Bradford
This was Christopher Corrigan's debut and he fought with confidence and style, winning his first 2 contests by ippon. Sadly he then lost his first fight in the knockout and didn't get pulled back into the repecharge. It was, however, an excellent performance. Patrick was also on good form and pulled off a good bronze medal in the u38kg red belt section.
In the senior groups John was unable to come out of his pool, but Sevani had a decent day winning a bronze medal.

16th May - Mierlo International, Holland
SILVER Akhil Bist
BRONZE Luke Davies
17th May - Ipswich u12 & 16 Championships
Jeremy fought for the first time in an open such as this and gave it a good shot, but no medal for his trouble. Daniel V, however, and young Ali each managed a bronze. Well done EJC boys.
24th May - NHC Red Belt Championships, High Wycombe

Above L-R: Ibrahim, Hani'el & Jonathan with their medals.
We had a very good day today, especially Hani'el. It was his open tournament debut and he pulled off a gold. Excellent work from him - well done.
We also had great bronze medals from Ibrahim, Paul & Jonathan. Maxime, James S, Louis & Chris were unable to win rostrum spots, but all fought very well and are now more prepared for their next competitions.
31st May - AJ Judo Open, Powys, Wales
A great fundraising event for the host club: we had a really good day. It was a lovely atmosphere. On top of the event and the gorgeous weather we also had a good day with regard to judo performance. Showgo was up first and won the straigh fights by ippon to take him into the final. There his run was stopped and he had to settle for silver, bu an excellent performance. Ibrahim was in the same group and narrowly missed out on the medals, placing 5th. He was in fine form and has clearly improved a great deal in the last few months.
Christopher was with us again, for only his 3rd tournament. He fought really well, as expected, but suffered at the hands of rookie mistakes. Chris is a great little fighter and with experience will clear up the glitches and soon start bringing home the results.
Ali fought in the orange belt and a bove section, pretty tough for a 7th Mon. He fought some tough fights and came away with a bronze. Another EJC orange belt out today was Daniel. He only had he one contest but won it with ease to take a gold. You can only fight who is put in front of you and Daniel did just that.
In the high grade section Harkirat won a bronze, as did Eliot. It has been an age since Eliot last fought and he put in a credible come back peformance. Phoebe was unlucky not to take a medal in her new weight group and Lucy fought well to add a silver to her trophy collection.
Well done gang and thanks for another good EJC day.
6h June - London Youth Games, Crystal Palace
GOLD Phoebe Harris SILVER David Sookias SILVER Eliot Bradford SILVER Rifqa Samad BRONZE Conor Corrigan BRONZE Laurence Legon BRONZE S. Asgari BRONZE Megan Howard Below: Team Ealing at the Games, at the home of judo, Crystal Palace.

7th June - Venray International, Holland
Lucy, having moved up into the new age band his year, fought excellently. She beat then strong Belgian girl in the quarter finals. The Belgian went on to win a bronze, however Lucy was plunged into the tougher side and narrowly lost for the bronze. A fifth place at this level is not bad. Eyes are now firmly set on a medal at next year's event.
14th June - South of England Junior & Youth Open, Crawley
GOLD Akhil Bist
SILVER Harkirat Sekhon
SILVER Lucy Chamberlain
BRONZE Maxime Cacaly
BRONZE Conor Corrigan
BRONZE Phoebe Harris
EJC had a great day. On top of the above medals there was also a 5th place from David, to compliment last week's silver and Jason attempted to climb the mountain that was the Youth u60 group. He fought well, but no result this time.

Above L-R: Harkirat, Phoebe & Lucy with their medals.
21st June - London Area Team Trials, Dagenham
GOLD Harkirat Sekhon
GOLD Lucy Chamberlain
GOLD Eliot Bradford
SILVER Megan Howard
SILVER Hanna Toogood
BRONZE Jason Tran
21st June - South Coast Red Belt Championships, Worthing
Louis fought excellently today, with some especially good counter techniques. He finished with a silver medal. Jonathan & James Sookias also fought well, with great energy coming from Jonathan. Each boy brought home a bronze. Well done to our little team.